Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you want to know, quick and easy.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What time do you open and close - We are open Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm.
  • What are the prices - We offer 2 prices. Up to 5 hours is £13.50 and over 5 hours is £20.
  • What are the drop off times for half day - Our half day is simply up to 5 hours. IT IS NOT morning or afternoon - IT IS 5 hours to suit YOUR schedule. If you want to drop off at 8 and collect at 1 thats fine. If you want to drop off at 11 and collect at 4 thats also fine. Both of those are £13.50.
  • Do I have to book - NO. Okay thats not strictly true. We ask you to book your dogs first visit. After that you can use us as and when it suits you.
  • Do I have to keep to a set day - NO. As above, use us as and when you need.
  • My plans changed and I don't need you today, do I still have to pay - NO. You will only pay when your dog has visited.
  • What vaccinations are required - All dogs need to be up to date with compulsory vaccinations AND must be vaccinated for Kennel Cough. Proof is required. No proof means no entry.
  • What age can my dog start - Puppies can join us from 11 weeks of age as long as they are fully vaccinated and this includes Kennel Cough.
  • Can my dog still catch Kennel Cough - Unfortunately YES, your dog can still catch Kennel Cough even if they are vaccinated. The opportunity to catch it is greatly reduced from the vaccination. Recent studies have shown almost half of all dogs are carriers of Kennel Cough.
  • I have a male dog, does he have to be neutered - NO. We are licensed to have BOTH entire boys AND entire girls onsite, all the time. We are licensed for this because we have completely independent play spaces for the dogs. You entire boy will never mix with an entire girl.
  • Will my dog only play with other boy dogs then - NO. All the dogs who are neutered get to play in any group. All our groups are mixed age and sex. Your boy dog will mix with neutered girls.
  • Do you have a neutering policy - NO. As above we are licensed for entire dogs. HOWEVER, we do have a neutering recommendation for both boys and girls. Put simply, your dogs world is expanded by neutering them. They get to play with so many more dogs, not just here at day care.
  • I have a girl dog who isn't neutered, can she attend - YES. But, whenever she is 'In Season' she will have to stay away. Not because there is a risk of her getting pregnant while here. But, the hormone change influences the behaviour of other dogs onsite. Therefore it is to maintain the safety of the wider group.
  • Do you have anywhere for dogs to rest - Most of the dogs will rest in the play spaces. We put down a variety of beds and crash mats for them. However, we also have designated time-out pens away from play areas should your dog not want to rest in the play space.
  • Will you feed our dog - YES, but you must supply the food in a marked container each day.
  • Do you charge for feeding our dogs - NO, definitely not, feeding those that need it is just basic care for your dog.
  • Do you feed in large groups - NO, each dog that requires feeding is brought out 1 on 1. They either eat in an airlock space or a time-out pen as required.
  • What happens if dogs fight - Every care is taken to not allow this. But, just like humans, dogs don't always get along with each other. Even good dog friends have bad days. Staff step in, separate the dogs and remove from the rooms. Assessment is made of why an incident occurred and appropriate action is taken.
  • Do the dogs go out for walks - NO. They stay inside where they have access to over 5000 sq ft of play space spread across 3 play areas.
  • Are the dogs alway supervised - NO. To deal with the comings and goings of the day, changing water bowls, fetching lunches, going on lunch, answering the door, using the bathroom etc. there may be moments that a group does not have a human in with them. BUT, there is always someone near by in another play area and if they are left it will only be a minute or 2.
  • Do the dogs toilet inside - YES. We are a wholly indoors dog day care. However, unlike other dog day care, we DO NOT have couches or soft furnishings in the play spaces. As far as your dog is concerned they are in a yard space. They don't know they are indoors.
  • Are dogs grouped based on their size - NO. Your dog will mix with dogs of all sizes. Just like you see when you take them out for a walk or a run on the field.
  • Will dog day care help my dog socialise - MOST DEFINITELY. While with us they will learn who to interact with and how. They will learn which dogs want crazy play, which ones want to sniff and which ones want to be left alone.
  • Will I get updates whilst my dog is with you - If we catch something interesting or funny on camera then we do send it to you via Whatsapp, some days you'll get lots other days you may get nothing. We also update social media with photos and videos. HOWEVER, first and foremost, you are paying us to look after your dog, not to spend hours trying to get pretty photos or sit on social media.
  • What toys and activities do you have - The dogs have access to lots of tennis balls, a variety of chew bones and treat bottles from which they have work to get the treats.

© Copyright 2024 Dog Diplomacy Ltd - All Rights Reserved
Licensed by Chorley Borough Council - 18/01009/AWABL